DLBA Hall Of Fame

DLBA Hall Of Fame membership includes all people who were inducted into either the former Dunkirk Bowling Association, Lakeshore Bowling Association, or Dunkirk Women's Bowling Association.


When this portion of our website is complete,  if there happens to be an unintended omission,  please contact us.

Guidlines For Admission

During the course of the 2011-2012 bowling season,  new minimum criteria were established in order to gain qualification for induction to the HOF.  Points are awarded to individuals based not only for performance, but also for meritorious service.


Applications are submitted to the Hall Of Fame Committee, who determine if the appicant has met the minimum qualifications.  Applications which meet the minimum requirements, are presented to the DLBA Board Of Directors annonimously, where the appications are reviewed and voted on individually.



All candidates must be 50 years of age at the time of submission of application.


Any candidate who does not meet the minimum requirements for induction, will have their application REJECTED. Candidates whose applications are rejected will be informed by the HOF committee. These individuals must have their application re-submitted with any additional information that will help them attain the minimum requirements. 


Candidates who meet the minimum requirements, but do not receive enough votes by the Board of Directors to gain induction, will have their application remain on file for an additional two years.  Those individuals will automatically have their application voted on by the Board of Directors each subsequent year.

If after three votes (the first year of submission, plus the additional two years on file) the applicant still has not attained enough votes for induction, the application must be re-submitted.



Hall of Fame Application 

HOF application 2022
HOF app 2023.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [184.5 KB]

Dunkirk Women's Bowling Association HOF Members 1982-2009

DWBA HOF 1982-2009.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [97.2 KB]

Dunkirk Bowling Associaiton/Lakeshore USBC Men's HOF Members 1982-2009

Lakeshore USBC Mens HOF 1982-2009.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [99.0 KB]

Dunkirk Lakeshore USBC Combined HOF Members 2010-present

Dunkirk Lakeshore USBC Combined Hall of [...]
Adobe Acrobat document [102.1 KB]